I smiled hiding my top lip for 21 years becuase i wanted to look white

1:57 mins


immigration story

6:05 mins


love letter to the ceiba

2:02 mins


a deportation story

1:40 mins



(2021 riverworks collaboration)

3:42 mins


Caminamos is a collaborative video documenting a performance by students and faculty from Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts and Brigham Young University. The performance was highly reliant on the act of physically connecting with nature. The video is accompanied by a poem written by Rocio Cisneros-Vasquez, as a type of acknowledgement and love letter to the Earth. The act of removing shoes & socks and walking barefoot through the dirt, pine needles, and water became a symbolic and literal way to connect with mother Earth.

Participating Artists: Rocio Cisneros-Vasquez, Leilani Bascom, Tiffany Ferreira, Victoria Jensen, Christopher Lynn, Delano Mills, Melanie Mowinski, Joseph Ostraff, Raventail, Kennedy Sobon, Samantha Snyder, Megan Stern, Eugene Tapahe, and Audrey Yuen.

alien wedding

1:43 mins